annDH Committees
Workshop Chairs
Sandra Kübler |
Indiana University, USA |
Heike Zinsmeister |
University of Hamburg, Germany |
Program Committee
Melanie Andresen |
University of Hamburg, Germany |
Fabian Barteld |
University of Hamburg, Germany |
Sabine Bartsch |
University of Darmstadt, Germany |
Peggy Bockwinkel |
University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Peter Boot |
Huygens Institute for Netherlands History, Netherlands |
Fritz Breithaupt |
Indiana University, USA |
Simon Clematide |
Zurich University, Switzerland |
Thierry Declerck |
DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany |
Stefanie Dipper |
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
Kim Gerdes |
Sorbonne nouvelle Paris, France |
Evelyn Gius |
University of Hamburg, Germany |
Fotis Jannidis |
University of Würzburg, Germany |
Hannah Kermes |
University of the Saarland, Germany |
Lothar Lemnitzer |
BBAW, Berlin, Germany |
Harald Lüngen |
IDS, Mannheim, Germany |
Liliana Melgar-Estrada |
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Marco Passarotti |
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy |
Georg Rehm |
DFKI Berlin, Germany |
Nils Reiter |
University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Thomas Schmidt |
IDS, Mannheim, Germany |
Ulrike Schneider |
University of Mainz, Germany |
Olga Scrivner |
Indiana University, USA |
Caroline Sporleder |
University of Göttingen, Germany |
Kenneth Steimel |
Indiana University, USA |
Thorsten Trippel |
University of Tübingen, Germany |
Mihaela Vela |
University of the Saarland, Germany |
Gabriel Viehhauser |
University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Andreas Witt |
University of Cologne, Germany |
Amir Zeldes |
Georgetown University, USA |
Kalliopi Zervanou |
Utrecht University, Netherlands |